Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Lassen Peak

Our first stop, in Lassen National Park, was Manzanita Lake where we were able to rent a kayak and take in all the scenery. What a gorgeous place, so diverse! We hiked the three mile Bumpass Hell loop trail to view the mudpots and hissing fumaroles. Beautiful mountain lakes, streams, waterfalls and snow abound here . . . yes snow! That's the reason the park road just opened two weeks ago. While hiking near Kings Meadow we spotted a bear! COOL!! We stayed out in the boonies at an "oasis in the woods" . . . no TV, no phone, no internet! The restaurant was warm and welcoming with great food! The next morning, at breakfast, we met two nice men from Grass Vally and Mission Viejo, California. We stopped off at the Vistior Center and discovered that Lassen Peak was indeed open to the top!! (After being told the previous day it was going to be closed for trail maintenance.) We grabbed a sandwich and a cookie and drove to the trailhead. A great hike, not too hard, but not easy.

Kings Creek in Upper Meadow


Kayaking on Manzanita Lake

Lake Helen

Trail to Bumpass Hell

Hissing fumaroles


Is that what I think it is? 

Yes, it's a bear!

He's probably eyeing some fish in the stream

The trail to the top is open......really it is!

Almost there

This is the false summit where most people stopped, but not us!

Here we are at the false summit

Looking towards the true summit

Heading for the top of Lassen Peak 

Inside the Lassen Crater looking towards Mt. Shasta

The tippy top of Mt. Lassen 10,457 ft.

Great views

I made it to the top of Mt. Lassen...whoohoo!

Snow in August!

Heading back down, still above the treeline

Lake Helen in the distance

Aerial view of the Lassen Peak Trail

The wildflowers were pretty

We kept seeing these huge pinecones along the road and just had to stop

Burney Falls