Sunday, August 16, 2009

Tunnel Walk - Andrew's 18th Birthday

We (Allison, Andrew and friend Eddie) loaded buses at the Nature Center around 5:00 PM and rode to the east entrance of the tunnel. On the bus with us were Shaun and Karen Mason, along with Lee, Izabela and Matthew Drumm - all coworkers from Zion. After listening to a boring speech by the park superintendant, we were allowed to enter the tunnel at approximately 6:00 PM. We met several neighbors and friends that accompanied us through the hour trek - Len and Karen Mendenhall (neighbors), Steve and Eileen Drake (neighbors) and Dave Johnson (coworker). We had a great time peering out of the five different windows along the route and enjoying the views of Zion. After we exited the west tunnel (around 7:00 PM) we were bused back down to the Nature Center where we recevied our commemorative scarf and stick pin.